Tag community

A Small Solar Project

Not to be outdone by my brother, I too, wanted to leave a smaller ecological footprint. Kevin had completed a huge solar project on his roof and has achieved what he wanted; net zero while banking electrical energy for future use… Continue Reading →

Penny Walk

My wife and I like to take walks on a regular basis in the area’s community parks. On occasion, we’ve taken our grandchildren with us when their school schedule permits. On one such day, the kids came across a few… Continue Reading →

Rights and Responsibilities

We have been reminded of our responsibilities to one another as citizens.


[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] A pendulum can be soothing to watch as the rhythm of the back, and forth motion sets a resonate pace. And if it is accompanied by a ‘tick-tock’ from an… Continue Reading →

Fiction By Any Other Name Is Still Fiction – An Opinion

The concept of legal personhood for an organization reportedly dates back to Roman law. In our present experience, we often think of the concept of a fictitious person as it applies to corporations, but it can also apply to governments… Continue Reading →

On Thinking – Remembering a Lesson

Back in the 70’s at Penn State, I had an English teacher by the name of Mrs. Smythe. I remember her for two reasons. Firstly, she could never get my last name right. It’s a relatively simple name with only… Continue Reading →

Speak Truth to Power – An Exploration

Lately, I’ve heard the phrase “Speak Truth to Power” in a lot of political commentary. The phrase is very succinct and packs a great deal of meaning in four words. The common understanding I have of the phrase is that… Continue Reading →

The Parking Lot Index

Everybody has their own sense about how the economy is working. I admit to being confused about the many talking head interpretations I hear on the news. The crazy up and down roller coaster stock market defies any logic I… Continue Reading →

Where Did Levittown Go?

*This piece by Kevin Deeny has been updated from its original publication in the Levittown Leader.* Levittown, Pennsylvania has always had an identity problem. It is as Dianne Harris notes in her book “The Second Suburb: Levittown, PA”, that our… Continue Reading →

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