Not to be outdone by my brother, I too, wanted to leave a smaller ecological footprint. Kevin had completed a huge solar project on his roof and has achieved what he wanted; net zero while banking electrical energy for future use during winter months when he had less sun for production of energy.
Kevin looks at the investment like this: Money can sit in your bank account (not earning much interest) or on your roof saving you money and also earning by selling unused power back to the electric company. The investment is in/on your roof rather than in the bank. Okay I get it. My brother pulled the trigger and it’s working out very well for him and his family.
Could that work for me? I had a number of concerns about how many panels I would need and if they would fit my roof. I have a dormer smack in the middle of the roof line, limiting the space for panels. Additionally, there is a huge tree that shades part of the roof where panels needed to be installed. I have a love affair with the gigantic fir tree and was not ever going to cut it down. I would also need a new roof at the time of solar installation. There were other big expenses pending within a few years, so I abandoned the idea, but I didn’t give up entirely.
Click link below to view the video.
See the charging station set up on YouTube here.
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