A Focus on Levittown PA

Blood: An Exquisite Miracle

Blood is nothing less than a miracle. It circulates through our bodies carrying oxygen and nutrients to all organs and transports carbon dioxide away to be expelled. It is on the front line in healing wounds and fighting infections. Without… Continue Reading →


Leaders require followers. In historical eras, the relationship between the two was defined by birth; leadership positions were attained by bloodline and decree, not by competency or merit. Those outside the ruling caste served the will of the noblemen. Freedom… Continue Reading →

Political Debates

There was a time when I considered debates, particularly political debates, to be an informative discourse wherein opposing or alternative viewpoints were aired and discussed. Probing questions served to illuminate the strength or weakness of a given position and we,… Continue Reading →


I want to vote for someone who is a good person as my representative in government. That desire is particularly strong when it comes to voting for President. It may sound cliché, but character does indeed matter. We have all… Continue Reading →


Recently we both read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave for the first time. As a father and daughter from different generations, neither of us were introduced to this history in school. What follows are reactions… Continue Reading →

The Tree

In 1969, when I turned 21, I was working for Lucas Lumber in Levittown Pennsylvania, which was a family-owned retail lumber business. They sold hardware and paint and such, but also ran a small millwork shop for a variety of… Continue Reading →

A Small Solar Project

Not to be outdone by my brother, I too, wanted to leave a smaller ecological footprint. Kevin had completed a huge solar project on his roof and has achieved what he wanted; net zero while banking electrical energy for future use… Continue Reading →


One of the most important words in the English language is “Why”. It’s such a simple word, yet it’s analogue can be found in every language. The underlying concept for the question appears to be unique to humans – it… Continue Reading →

Penny Walk

My wife and I like to take walks on a regular basis in the area’s community parks. On occasion, we’ve taken our grandchildren with us when their school schedule permits. On one such day, the kids came across a few… Continue Reading →


I’ve heard the term “woke” a lot lately, often spouted by politicians or from voice-overs in political ads. I admit that I didn’t know the meaning of the term, but it seemed to be used as a pejorative as if… Continue Reading →

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